Application Types

At Fluid Research we offer a wide variety of dispensing solutions to fit many different types of application.

From our standard systems utilizing proprietary technologies to fully customized, turnkey and automated solutions.

The key applications we can solve are as follows:

Bonding is the joining process in which a liquid or semi liquid substance is applied to adjoining work pieces to provide a long lasting bond. This process is highly useful in bonding materials together that cannot be welded. Adhesives used in bonding exist in many forms and can be made from various natural and/or artificial compounds.
Potting and Encapsulation
Potting or encapsulation is performed for a number of reasons including preventing piracy, thermal conductivity, vibration reduction, environmental protecting and more. The process can include complete encapsulation of a device or filling voids within and enclosure.
Sealing is the process of joining a liquid or semi liquid substance by applying material to adjoining work pieces to provide a long lasting bond. The added benefit of sealing versus bonding is sealing’s prohibiting of contaminants from entering. From water to dust, sealing is one of the most efficient means to ensure a product does not become contaminated.
Solids Filled
Many of today’s potting and encapsulating materials are highly specialized in their intended use. Fillers such as quartz silica or aluminium oxide are often added for their thermally conductive properties for use in electronic devices that generate heat. Bonding or laminating material will often be filled with solid glass spheres to maintain bond line consistency. Bonding and structure adhesives filled with hollow glass spheres, often referred to as syntactics, are used to reduce weight when fabricating honeycomb panels in the aviation industry
Mould Filling
While hand-mixing material for your mould filling applications appears as an inexpensive solution, material waste and clean-up can be costly; dangerous to both your staff and environment. While calculating a return on investment, personnel hazard, uncertainty about mix ratios, and exposure to potentially hazardous compounds must be factored into the equation. Although difficult to quantify, it has become clear through our experiences that we provide the superior alternative.